Boten varen op wind, wedstrijdboten varen op geld! Broach kan niet zonder haar sponsoren, en dus ook niet zonder de sponsorcommissie. Ieder jaar zet een groep enthousiaste Broachers in om nieuwe partners te zoeken voor onze vereniging, en ons op die manier zeilend te houden.
Sponsor Committee
‘Boats sail on wind, competitive boats sail on money!’ - A saying we like to joke about, but is rather true. To keep our boats in pristine condition, maintenance is of the essence; however, it is often a quite costly post. This means: Broach cannot function without its sponsors and therefore neither without its sponsor committee. Every year, a group of enthusiastic Broachers expands our network and looks for new partners. This way, we can expand our opportunities - including our sailor’s platform - and keep our boats sailing!
Sponsorcommissie 2023 - 2024:
Folkert Post (Voorzitter)
Xanne van Meijbeek
Jacobine Schuurman
Floris Bos (QQ)
E-mailadres: sponsoring@broach.nl